Get Rid Of Addiction

Quit Drinking with Psychic Jairam’s Help

Don’t drown your life in the addiction of alcohol or drugs. Find your way out of this addiction with Psychic Jairam Ji.

Meet the Top Indian Astrologer in Africa and get rid of Addiction

Psychic Jairam Ji is the famous and Top Indian Astrologer in Africa who is offering astrology remedies and solutions for the n number of life problems to the people. His hold over the various branches of astrology and the knowledge of conducting various Pujas of Hindu deities, spiritual prayers and mantras have helped simplify the life of many people and offered them the guidance to recover from the addiction of alcohol and drugs. People from all over the world approach him to get rid of addiction and start their life fresh. You can also get in touch him with him if you are looking for remedies for an alcohol addicted friend or relative.

The Famous Indian Astrologer in Africa

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Astrology Reasons for Alcoholism

  • Weak position of Shani in the Vedic horoscope can push people towards alcohol.
  • The unfavourable position of the malefic planets in the 2nd, 11th and the 12th house can lead to drinking addiction.
  • Presence of Saturn or Rahu in the 12th House
  • Presence of Mars in the 11th house

But no worries, Psychic Jairam Ji has tried and tested astrology remedies to help you with your addiction of alcohol and drugs.

Astrology Remedies for Alcohol addiction

Overcoming the addiction of alcohol and drugs takes an ironclad will and only those who are willing to get better can recover from this problem.

  • Psychic Jairam Ji specializes in Ayurdeva. For the alcohol addicted individuals, he offers nidrakar vati, Drakshasava and Piplasav medicines that help substantially in getting rid of the alcohol addiction.
  • Start consuming Triphala mixed with water.
  • One must consume food that does not produce too much Gas in the body
  • Wearing a copper ring on the middle finger will help you steer clear of the lust of alcohol
  • Consuming grape or ginger juice can also help in overcoming the addiction to drugs and alcohol.
  • Worship Lord Shani and seek his blessings for your fast recovery from this problem. Chant this mantra “om sham shanishcharaya namaha”
  • Refrain from drinking on Sundays.

How can you reach Psychic Jairam Ji?

Psychic Jairam Ji is always at your service to relieve you of all the problems and issues you are facing in life. For matters related to drug abuse or alcoholism that need immediate solutions, you can connect with Psychic Jairam Ji over a phone call narrating the person’s situation who is under the influence of alcohol and drug and get solutions on call. If you are looking forward to a more detailed discussion, you can book a one-on-one consultation with Psychic Jairam Ji.

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